Topic 15 Year 7 Mathematics
Mathematics | |||
Topic | Manipulating and calculating with fractions | ||
No of lessons | |||
When is it happening | Term 3 Year 7 | ||
What will students learn | In this unit students extend their understanding of applying the four operations to non-integer values. This includes non-integers represented as fractions, decimal fractions and mixed numbers. Students find fractions of amounts by considering the multiplication of an amount by a fraction. The different conceptual meanings of fractions multiplied by integers are explored including different equivalent ways of writing such expressions. | ||
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' | This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic |
Multiplying unit fractions with integers comparing “lots of” and “of” model Applying the same models to non-unit fraction Using area models to multiply two fraction Applying knowledge of decimals and percentages to use the area model of fraction multiplication. |
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding | Equivalent Fractions, Simplifying Fractions, converting improper fractions to mixed fractions | ||
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' | This is the skills that students will meet for the first time in this topic | Multiplying and dividing mixed fractions | |
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop | Multiplying and dividing proper fractions | ||
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand | Fractions, percentage, improper, equivalent, decimal, numerator, denominator | ||
The Big Question | How do I calculate with fractions? | ||
Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'
How do I find the product of a unit fraction and an integer? | ||
How do I find the product of any fraction and an integer? | |||
How can an area model help when multiplying two fractions? | |||
How can decimals help when multiplying fractions? | |||
What affect does dividing a fraction by an integer have on the numerator and denominator? | |||
How can I use a model to divide fractions? | |||
What systematic thinking could help divide fractions? | |||
How can I apply my understanding of dividing fractions to different problems? | |||
How do I add or subtract fractions when there is an equal denominator? | |||
How do I add or subtract fractions when the denominators are not equal? | |||
How can I add and subtract fractions efficiently? | |||
What is the distributive law and how can it help make calculations simpler? |