Student Leadership at SJT
Developing Student Leadership is key, as when given the opportunity young people can have a profound impact on their schools.
Involvement in leadership activities can improve students’ learning as well as helping them to develop the skills and traits needed for success outside of the classroom.
Sir John Thursby Student Leadership Programme aims to increase the opportunity for Student Leadership across the school and to enhance the input students have with rewards, whole school events and student well-being.
What benefits can leadership provide?
Leadership can provide you with a range of opportunities and help you develop key skills such as communication, both your written and verbal communication skills will develop as Student Leaders are involved in several different activities such as presentations. Organisational skills will also be important in a Student Leadership role, and these opportunities will help you to develop your organization skills as you will need to plan and lead upcoming whole school events. Prioritisation, listening, and feedback skills are also amongst those you will develop.
Leadership roles and responsibilities
Head Students, Deputy Head Students, Senior Prefects and Prefects:
To promote academic achievement of all students regardless of ability to increase motivation, resilience, and confidence.
Ensure that all students have excellent communication skills to allow them to access all areas of school life.
To make sure every child feels safe and welcome in school.
To support students to feel ready and prepared for secondary school.
Support the school during school events and helping in their organization.
Represent the school at important community events.
Carry out duties around the school
Student Council
Democratically elected council representing all students as their voice. To support the in their role around school and any whole school events and leading on initiatives: fundraising, community work, school shows, interview panels and student voice.
To liaise with each other and increase the role of Student Leadership across school.
To provide valuable feedback on ‘school life’ including teaching and learning, wellbeing provision, homework, and rewards.
To help improve the school further by being role models for others
Mental Health ambassadors
Mental Health Ambassadors are pupils who have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing. These pupils are keen to share their learning around mental health and advertise the importance of self-care. The Ambassadors have a responsibility for leading and promoting wellbeing throughout school, they drive the message forward and release the stigma around talking about challenging feelings and encourage people to talk. Wellbeing Ambassadors provide feedback on what’s working well and highlight any gaps in whole-school approaches to wellbeing.
Anti-bulling ambassadors
To develop their leadership skills, deliver a range of projects and ideas to further enhance our anti-bullying policy and create a culture which promotes kindness, compassion and understanding.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors are trained, passionate young people who will stand up to bullying behaviour and believe they can change things for the better.
Anti-Bullying Ambassadors believe that bullying behaviour is not acceptable and should not be part of everyday life at school. They support others and are upstanders against bullying behaviour and a support network for their peers. They stand to shape attitudes and change behaviours. They are a pillar of support, look out for others and are a strong voice for the school community.
The SJT Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme also helps to:
- Create a happy and safe learning environment for all, which in turn can boost attendance and attainment levels
- Develop resilience, confidence, and positive healthy relationships amongst young people
- Complement teaching and learning across the curriculum, including PSHE, Citizenship, and ICT
- Contribute to positive inspection reports; the Anti-Bullying Ambassador Programme has been referenced in hundreds of inspection reports as good practice
Sports leaders
During the course of the academic year, students across all age groups are giving various opportunities to develop their student leadership skills across a mixture of different settings, which forms part of their overall assessment grade within PE. These opportunities enable students to continually develop their leadership, communication, teamwork, and resilience skills which prepare them for life at SJT and beyond, through effective feedback from PE teachers and external sporting providers. Opportunities include; leading warm-ups and activities within lessons and at a range of enrichment clubs, as well as assisting with the organisation and delivery of several primary and secondary school festivals in a range of sports across the academic year, including Handball, Sports hall Athletics, Football, Rounders, Multi Skills and more.
During the course of this academic year, we have programme for our Sports Leaders in the Community, to help further develop students’ leadership skills and reward them for their hard work and commitment to PE through achieving a prestigious qualification by the end of Year 11, such as the level 1 and Level 2 Refereeing qualifications for as Rounder etc. Students will over the two years: 1) Developing leadership skills, 2) Planning, leading, and evaluating sport/physical activity sessions, and 3) Assisting in planning and leading a sport/physical activity event. This will provide students with the opportunity to understand the skills and behaviours required to be a successful leader, be able to manage the development of their own leadership skills and develop their ability to lead structured, inclusive, and safe sport/physical activity sessions to younger students in primary and secondary school settings across a range of sports
Duke of Edinburgh
The DoE Award is a programme of activities in which our students are required to gain a new skill, improve their physical fitness, volunteer in their community and engage in an adventure/outdoor experience in a new environment. The success of the programme is measured by regular participation over a period, asking the students to provide evidence of their engagement and to keep track of their own progress in each activity. All students who choose to participate are guided on their outdoor adventure by our dedicated DoE coordinators.
Benefits of the Duke of Edinburgh Award
The DoE Award is divided into three levels: Bronze, Silver, and Gold, which require different time commitments, progressing from Bronze to Gold. Students can start at the Bronze Award in Year 9 and Silver in Year 10.
The DoE provides a framework that equips young people with a range of skills they need to succeed in an ever-evolving world. Young people must demonstrate that their skills have improved, and they are recognizing areas of personal growth. It provides individuals with values and experiences that are in high demand in the world of work. From volunteering to the adventures an award winner must undertake, employers are looking for well-rounded employees. Frequently, students and teachers report that the award winners have demonstrated personal growth in these areas:
Emotional literacy
Resilience and determination
Relationship building and leadership skills
Creativity and adaptability
Planning and problem-solving skills
Civic and intercultural competence
Personal and social wellbeing
Communication skills
Increased commitment to charitable and community causes
Improved environmental awareness