Uniform will be worn by all students in school. We wear uniforms for many reasons.
These include: • Looking smart • Having school identity • To foster equality
Items that require the school logo can be bought from the uniform suppliers in the area.
If you are unsure on the suitability of any aspect of the school uniform, please feel free to contact your child’s Head of Year Team prior to purchasing.
If you are struggling with purchasing any part of the school uniform please contact the Family Support Team at school.
School Uniform
- Black tailored trousers/skirt (no denim, no combats, no tight fitting trousers or leggings)
- White shirt
- Black jumper with SJT logo (optional)
- Black blazer with SJT logo
- Black socks
- A4 size large school bag
- School tie in black and silver. Each year will be distinguished by an additional colour. The colours used include: Purple, Blue, Green , Yellow, Red. Further information regarding which colour tie will be provided by Head of Year Teams and the same colour tie will be worn throughout their time at school.
- Shoes must be plain black school shoes. ( No trainers, boots, pumps or dolly shoes)
- Year 11 only Students will wear a purple jumper with SJT logo. Prefects will wear a silver prefect tie. Prefect ties will be provided by school
- Black shorts
- White football shirt with SJT logo
- Black socks
- Trainers with non-marking soles
- Football boots (optional)
- Tracksuit with SJT logo (optional) or plain black tracksuit (optional)
Outdoor clothing
A warm, waterproof coat will be needed; this should be of a dark colour.
No coats to be worn in the school building. Students should not wear hoodies.
- Headscarves are worn for religious observance and need to be worn modestly
- Headscarves have to be plain black in colour, without decoration or trimmings and
with no tassels or sequins - Headscarves need to be of a standard size in order to be tucked into the shirt
collar comfortably for health and safety reasons - No oversized/volumised scarves are allowed to be worn. Pleats or foldings are not
permitted - Only secure with hair grips not pins as this can be dangerous
For health, safety and security reasons students should not wear any jewellery except for one pair of stud earrings. Other types of earrings, nose studs, rings or any other facial piercings are not allowed. Students are not allowed rings or bracelets but can wear a watch. Prohibited jewellery will be confiscated in line with school policy.
Hair should be of a natural colour. Students will be able to wear their hair down unless there are health and safety concerns in the teaching area when it must be tied up. There should also be no patterns cut into hair.
Make up
No make up, nail varnish or false / acrylic nails are to be worn in school.
Students should have an A4 size bag to carry their books and writing equipment.
Students must have with them at all times a pen, pencil, rubber, ruler and their school planner.
Large amounts of money must not be brought into school or taken on any school visits.
Mobile phones, headphones or electrical equipment are not to be seen or heard anywhere inside the school building or on the school grounds. The school cannot be held responsible for any damaged or stolen equipment and will confiscate any unauthorized equipment brought in to the
premises. All uniform/equipment should be clearly marked with the student’s name.
NB The taking of unauthorised pictures / videos is strictly forbidden anywhere on the school site.