
In-Year Admissions

Applications to attend Sir John Thursby in current Years 7 to 11 should be made direct to school. If you wish to apply for more than one child, an application form for each child will need to be completed.

Once the application is received, we may offer a place providing there is a vacancy in the appropriate year group.  Unfortunately, the admission of one child does not give a right of admission for siblings if places are not available at the same time.

Once a place has been offered, we must receive acceptance of the place within 5 school days, or we may withdraw the offer and consider that the place has been declined.

Please click here to access the application form. 

Alternatively to enquire about In Year admissions or to request an application form please contact the school on Tel: 01282 682313 or email

If your child is in Year 6 at Primary School, please click here to access Lancashire County Council admissions website. We do not hold a waiting list for Year 6 students, this is handled directly through Lancashire County Council Pupil Access.

Waiting Lists

If there are no places available in a year group, we offer parents the option to be placed on a waiting list. Waiting lists are not maintained on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Waiting lists are kept in the priority order as explained in the determined admission policy. (Please refer to the Determined Admission Policy below to view the admission criteria.)

If a place becomes available and your child is priority on the waiting list, we will contact you. Once a place has been offered, we must receive acceptance of the place within 5 school days, or we may withdraw the offer and consider that the place has been declined.

*Please note that your child’s place on the waiting list may change if another child with a higher priority under the determined admission policy criteria is added to the list.

We currently have a high number of children on our waiting list. Being on the list offers no guarantee of a place at Sir John Thursby due to the school currently being at capacity. The option of being on a waiting list simply offers an additional admission option.

If you have moved house, it may be essential to move your child.  However, if a school move is not absolutely essential you should carefully consider whether it is the best option for your child’s education. This is especially the case for students in Years 10 and 11 who have started their examination options.

If your child is unhappy in their current school for whatever reason, you should first contact the headteacher at that school and discuss the problems before changing schools. School transfer is very disruptive for any child and it is not encouraged if the problem can be resolved. 


If we are not able to offer a place to your child, we will inform you of the reason/s.  You do have the right to appeal against the decision not to allocate a place. Guidance and information on how to appeal can be found on Lancashire County Council website. 

The Lancashire County Council website also includes a timetable for organising and hearing Year 6 appeals, this is usually published around March time each year.  

You can access the appeal information by clicking here. 

Determined Admissions

 Our admission intake for the year 2026/27 is 225.

Our determined admission policies can be viewed below, please click on the relevant year:

Determined Admission Policy 2023/2024

Determined Admission Policy 2024/2025

Determined Admission Policy 2025/2026

 Determined Admission Policy 2026-2027


To enquire about In Year admissions or to request an application form please contact the school direct on Tel: 01282 682313 or email