KS4 Subject Preferences 2025

KS4 Subject Preferences Process 2025

The commencement of the Key Stage 4 subject preference  process is a significant milestone for students as they navigate their educational journey.  This process provides students with their first opportunity to express their preferences for the subjects they wish to study, and it is a time when many begin to consider their future aspirations beyond their studies at SJT.  

 Below, you will find below links to the KS4 course descriptions. We encourage students and parents/carers to begin with these descriptions,  as they outline the structure of the Key Stage 4 curriculum and highlight the areas where students have choices.  The descriptions also provide valuable information about each subject, aiding students in their decision-making process.

We will be holding a Year 9 Subject Preference Evening on Thursday 20th March 2025 from 3.30pm to 5.00pm. There will be information available and Subject Leaders, SJT Careers Leader and representatives from Further Education Colleges and local employers will be on hand to answer any questions you may have. We strongly encourage you to attend with your child.

For career advice, Mrs. Starr is available to discuss the subject preferences with students. We encourage students to email her at r.starr@sirjohnthursby.lancs.sch.uk to arrange a convenient time.

In the links at the bottom of the page you will find further information about the subjects available for preferences including careers information.

Making their 'Preferences Choices'

Students will receive a link to the preferences form sent via their school email. This form must be completed by Monday 24th March 2025 from their school email accountAt this stage we are simply asking students to indicate the subjects they are interested in studying. We go then go through a process of fairly allocating students to courses, which is why we request an order of preference. 

Once we have received the forms we will begin the process of allocating students to classes. The timeline below outlines the different stages of this process. Students will commence their Key Stage 4 courses in September 2025.   



Please click on the links below to access further information on each subject.

Art (Fine Art & Photography) Catering

Child Development and Care

Citizenship Computer Science


Creative Design Creative iMedia


Engineering Fashion & Textiles


Graphic Design Hair & Beauty

Health & Social Care

History Modern Languages


Religious Studies Separate Sciences

Sports Science

 Post 16 Pathways