Topic 1 Year 9 English
English | |||
Topic | From Austen to Wilde - A Century of Seminal Writers | ||
No of lessons | 25 | ||
When is it happening | Half Term2 - Year 9 | ||
What will students learn | Student will learn about a variety of seminal authors from the 19th century by studying extracts from their works, biographical information about their lives, and historical information about their time. Students will also develop their learning of writing narrative and expository essays. As an independent learning task, students will re-read relevant extracts from texts studied during Year 8 Term 1 (Literature Around the World) and Year 8 Term 3 (The Evolution of Horror Through Time). | ||
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' | This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic | Key literary movements and genres within the 19th century:- romanticism, pre-Raphaelitism, Gothic, Satire; key historical moments within the 19th century (e.g. Queen Victoria’s reign, abolition of slavery, railway and industrial boom, Irish potato famine, Public Health Act and its subsequent failure, The Great Exhibition, Lister’s antiseptics, compulsory education for children under 10, emerging women’s rights and suffrage); extracts from a selection of seminal 19th century authors including extracts that cover the three core literary movements e.g. Charles Dickens, Charles Darwin, Thomas Hardy, Oscar Wilde, Christina Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Wordsworth, John Keats, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, William Blake, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, George Eliot. | |
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding |
Regular retrieval of the knowledge described above will be retrieved as well as: Authors from other cultures |
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' | This is the skills that students will meet for the first time in this topic | Students will focus on acquiring the following skills: Developed inferences; embedded evidence; context; structure and organisation; plot; critical comparisons; presentations; write like a short story writer. | |
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop | Making inferences; referring to evidence; purpose; vocabulary choice; characterisation; expressing own ideas; clear inferences; judicious evidence; audience; figurative language and grammar; setting; comparing; short speeches and keeping to the point. | ||
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand |
Chronology, Collating, Wordsworth, Coleridge Shelley, Byron, Keats, Westminster, Pollution Garment, Splendour, Kernel, Conspiring Clammy, Granary, Winnowing, Gleaner, Laden Croft, Sallows, Scruple, Indolent, Equitable Remonstrance, Chivalry |
The Big Question | Why is it important to study 19th century literature? | ||
Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'
What were the key events of the 19th Century? | ||
How did the events of the 19th Century influence the writers of the time? | |||
What is Romanticism? | |||
How is Romanticism reflected in the writing of the period? | |||
Who were the Romantics? | |||
Who was William Blake? | |||
How is Romanticism shown through Wordsworth? | |||
How is Romanticism shown through Keats? | |||
What is satire? | |||
Who was Jane Austen? | |||
Which elements of society was Austen critical of? | |||
What is Pre-Raphaelitism? | |||
Who were the Pre-Raphaelites? | |||
How is Pre-Raphaelitism shown in the work of Tennyson? | |||
How is Pre-Raphaelitism shown in the work of Dante, Tennyson and Rossetti? | |||
What is meant by Realism and what prompted this style of writing? | |||
How is Realism shown in the work of Dickens? | |||
What is non-fiction? | |||
What is meant by The Gothic and what are its origins? | |||
Can we identify the elements of the gothic in an extract from a famous Victorian novel? | |||
Can we create our own piece of gothic writing? |