Topic 3 Year 9 Religious Education

Religious Education
Topic  What happens when we die?
No of lessons  12
When is it happening  Term 3 Year 9
What will students learn

Over-arching question: What really matters?

Comparative study.

This topic allows for a comparative study of life after death, drawing from a variety of religious and non-religious beliefs.  In this unit students will investigate the differing ideas about what happens after death and how belief in a final judgement may affect the way that people make

decisions during their life. This will include an introduction to ideas about good, evil and morality. They will consider how funeral rites reflect beliefs and values and how these rituals support the bereaved.
Key Knowledge that students should know at the end of 'Topic' This is the knowledge that students will meet for the first time in this topic 

Beliefs about final judgement (in Christianity and Islam)

Differing Christian beliefs about heaven and hell (and purgatory)

Islamic beliefs about Akhirah, Jannah and Jahannam

Beliefs about Satan/Shaytan

Beliefs about Reincarnation (Sikhism, Hinduism and Buddhism)

Evidence for life after death.

Funeral rites in Christianity, Islam and Humanism

Diversity in the Christian tradition – Day of the Dead

The impact of religious and non-religious beliefs on making moral decisions
This is knowledge that students may have met before but will need to deepen their understanding  Students will have some knowledge about life after death, heaven, hell, judgement and reincarnation from year 7 and 8.
Key Skills that students should be able to demonstrate at the end of 'Topic' This is the skills  that students will meet for the first time in this topic

Explain and Interpret diverse views of beliefs, teachings and sources of wisdom and authority in relation to death and the afterlife.  Show understanding of religions and worldviews as coherent systems or ways of seeing the world.

Evaluate a wide range of ways in which commitment and identity are expressed in funeral rites.
This is skills that students may have met before but will need to develop  Evaluate how and why individuals and communities express the meanings of their identity, beliefs and values in many different forms and ways of living.
Key vocabulary that students should know and understand

Purgatory, Akhirah, Jannah,  Jahannam,  Shaytan, Satan, Jihad, Humanism, Moral, 

Heaven, Hell, Diversity

The Big Question  What happens when we die?


 Key questions that students should be able to answer at the end of the 'Topic'

Is death the end?
What different responses are there to the end of life?
What do Christianity & Islam teach about the devil?
What is the soul?
What do Christianity & Islam teach about heaven & hell?
What happens at a Christian funeral?
What happens at a Muslim funeral?
What happens at a Humanist funeral?
What is the Day of the Dead?
How does beliefs about the afterlife affect our moral decision making?